A review by anthrat
Dominion: The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals, and the Call to Mercy by Matthew Scully

informative inspiring reflective sad slow-paced


As someone who is not religious in any manner of speaking, I can respect the call Matthew Scully is making. Although at times his arguments are pandered down on an insistence on utilising bible quotes, and a somewhat concerning fixation on abortion and Peter Singer - Scully is able to provide an insight into multiple aspects of the economisation of animals and the risks associated with the treatment of animals as material values. 

However, despite this, Scully totes himself as a conservative - meaning he undoubtedly participating in maintaining policies which are at odds with his claims in this book. There is a certain level of hypocrisy to be so scathing of Singer, when he himself is not exactly a paragon of goodwill or non-contradictory ways of thinking. Equally, the aforementioned fixation on abortion seems almost shoehorned in to some arguments to appeal to pro-lifers, rather than actually having any real critical basis to be included.