A review by mikathereviewer
Family of Liars by E. Lockhart


“It’s better, I think, to move on. To look forward.”
“We can’t change what’s in the newspaper, so why obsess about it? And we can’t change the past, so why dwell on it?”

- Tipper

Penny is so aaaahhy. I hate her.
Why does the author always needs to do this to me 😭
I know it's done on purpose, but damn how much I hate them all. 
I'm quoting: ‘Don’t kiss your sister’s boyfriend, because if you do, you’re a goddamned asshole.’
And Bess is an asshole too for being on Penny's side and not on Caroline's. 

Once again lovely writing style. Used to have mixed feelings about it in the first book, but now that it's already my second one, so I got used to it. And the whole metaphors with the grief and other emotions is (just like I said in the first book) very cool. 

Am I the only one who noticed that Pfeff was 18 and our protagonist, Carrie was only 17. I'm not sure how to feel about this 😀
Also the dude is such a 'weenie' just like someone else said it in the book.
Their whole relationship is just eh. 
I thought this toxic relationship is a one-time thing, does this author always writes about such stuff?? 🥲

I forgot to check the content warning. First time since a while and guess what? I got triggered. Please everyone don't be like me, read the content warnings for this book. 

Since my rating is based on enjoyment I would give it 2 stars due to it triggering me, but the story was interesting nevertheless and I think it deserves at least 3. 

28. July 2024

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