A review by katie_83
Covalent Bonds by Wendy Sparrow, Jeremiah Murphy, Charlotte M. Ray


5 star review!

Bring out your inner Geek with this fabulous collection of stories in the Covalent Bonds Anthology! What an amazing set of stories! All of the authors featured in this anthology were new to me so I was really looking forward to reading their work! It is very rare that I give 5 stars to a book of this type because I don’t always enjoy every story but in the case of this one I loved all of them! Of course I had my favourite but the others were equally as good as each other!

The Hacked Match by Wendy Sparrow
I LOVED this story! It just also happened to be my favourite out of the anthology too. I was hooked as soon as I started reading. It was one of the longer stories out of the book and I just instantly fell for the characters. FBI consultant Aubrey has one weekend to seduce Seth who is a former hacker whilst at a conference in Las Vegas in order to convince him to work for the Government. Their attraction was instant and there was a lovely little twist at the end! I will definitely be looking for more by this author. I also would have loved this book had it been a full length novel! It certainly has potential to be one!

Issues by Jeremiah Murphy
This was a nice short story about Emma who is a comic book artist and Max, a person who she hates but can’t seem to keep her hands off! They meet at a comic book convention and things get a little bit steamy!! I liked this story! It was certainly short and sweet!!

Addie-cted by Charlotte M. Ray
This was another one that I really liked! Addie and Trent find their selves meeting for the first time in real life after Trent’s computer breaks! They have known each other virtually for a while! There is an instant chemistry between them! I don’t really understand the world of online gaming but it was interesting to read about! The story takes place over their weekend together so was one of the longer stories which meant I could get my teeth into it and get a feel for the characters! I really liked Addie and Trent!

Spoilers by Marie Piper
Another great story! Short and to the point but still well worth a read! Mike is a horror film fan and is desperate to see Silent Night, Deadly Night – he didn’t know that he would meet the girl of his dreams in the Walgreen’s queue! They end up in the same film and sparks fly whilst they are watching it!

Rogue Trip by Laura VanArendonk Baugh
This story was a little different from the others I had read so far but I still enjoyed it! Still centred around the world of fantasy we see one company trying to sabotage another company’s release of a new game! Adam and Cassandra try and save the day! Whilst they are on their road trip we find out more about the two characters and their lives. Again this was one of the longer stories in the book and I think I was able to get to know the characters well in this story! I would happily have read more about these two!

Critical Hit by Cori Vidae
In this story we read about Hallie and Terrence who are enjoying a flirtatious game of Dungeons and Dragons. Hallie is crazy about Terrence so uses the game to try and act out her feelings! This was a sweet short story and I really enjoyed it!

Classification of Nerd by Mara Malins
This one was another favourite of mine! I loved Emily and Jack! Emily is a tester for a game testing company. Since she began her job it been pretty obvious to her that her boss Jack hates her. He is rude, barely speaks to her and avoids her at all costs. She is particularly confused when after a trivia night and a fair bit of alcohol Jack makes a move on her finally showing Emily how he really feels! When a room mix up on a business trip happens it leads to the two of them finally sorting out their awkward interactions! I really did love this story and I’m definitely going to be looking for more of this authors work.

Better than Chocolate by Tellulah Darling
What a great short story! Sadie and Nic, acquaintances from High School find their selves together after they both have had a rubbish night with their exes. It all started over a bag of M&M’s! They bonded over their love of Dr Who!

Girl Meets Grammarian by G.G. Andrew
In this story we see Eliza, a highly regarded Poet butt heads with Dr Kunal Narang a Professor at the University where she has just started teaching, over Grammar and sentence diagramming! She finds him particularly frustrating but also extremely sexy! There is definite chemistry between them even though they both seem to try and rub each other up the wrong way! I liked this story! It was sensual in all the right places!!

Overall I absolutely loved this anthology! I would happily read any of these books if they were made into full length novels! As with every book of this type I had my favourites but they all had their own uniqueness about them that was enjoyable!