A review by eleellis
Breakers by Doug Johnstone


Breakers by Doug Johnstone is a crime novel where Tyler Wallace, a young teen boy, is forced to be the adult in his dysfunctional family while living in a subsidized, high-rise tenement building while his mother proves incapable of tending to her family.

Tyler also is responsible for his younger sister nicknamed Bean and is groomed into participating in residential burglaries by his violent, older half-brother and half-sister. Along the way, unbeknownst to Tyler, the three end up burglarizing the wrong house in a burglary that goes wrong and ends up resulting in the three being hunted by the dangerous homeowner.

Breakers is well written and flows really nicely and is the type of novel where the author has created a mostly believeable story that includes characters the reader does care about.

Breakers is one of the best novels I have read this year and recommended to readers that like the writing of authors like Richard Price, George Pelecanos and crime tales that are both morality tales and tales that leave a mark.