A review by ederwin
Bread and Swans by Donna Barr


A novel based on characters in the drawn-book (graphic novel) series "The Desert Peach", the story of Erwin Rommel's ("The Desert Fox") fictional gay brother, Manfred "Peach" Rommel, who was also an officer in the German army during WWI and WWII. This may sound like a joke, but it is not. Donna Barr treats this concept seriously and has clearly done her research. (OK. The first few issues are a bit of a joke, and there are light moments throughout. But it also gets very serious.)

I've began reading the graphic novels since the 1990s, and they were among the first graphic novels I read. Gay graphic novels weren't common then. So it has a special place for me.

The drawn-book issues cover different periods in the main character's life, not in linear order, and include a large cast of characters. This novel tells the main character's life in order from birth to death, mostly skipping material that was covered in the drawn books, and mostly focused on the Rommel family. It adds more depth to the story. The death of "Peach" at the end had me literally sobbing, and that isn't something I often do, so it was quite moving. I can't say whether it would be rewarding if you haven't read at least some of the graphic novels.

This series will make you uncomfortable. It should.

If Germany in WWII is too sensitive a subject for you, or you think "Hogan's Heroes" or Mel Brooks' "Springtime For Hitler" is in bad taste, then this isn't for you. Perhaps you'd prefer her other drawn-book series that tells German history from the point of view of centaurs: [b:Stinz|6635804|Stinz Charger The War Stories|Donna Barr|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1266798582s/6635804.jpg|6830216].

If this interests you at all, start with the drawn books. Any are OK to start with. For the first published ones, go to [b:Seven Peaches: The First Seven Desert Peach Episodes|838079|Seven Peaches The First Seven Desert Peach Episodes|Donna Barr|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1178800799s/838079.jpg|823654].