A review by _winterwriter
Gild by Raven Kennedy


What was the point?

Seriously… what was the point of this? There’s no plot whatsoever. We just follow our main character around a bunch as she does absolutely nothing of value. I honestly can’t even remember her name, it might have been mentioned a total of three times in the story?

I have no issues with the writing of dark fantasy. I knew there were dark themes before I picked up the book. I don’t mind them being used, except when they aren’t moving the story forward. These events were used simply to add words to a book that was however many pages of nothing real happening.

Hooray, another book where the MC makes stupid decisions for no other reason than to annoy others with no regard to putting herself and them in danger. Yes, Stockholm syndrome, sudden freedom, let’s do all the things… but I didn’t even know where the story was going. Why are we rooting for this golden girl besides not wanting her to have all these bad things continue to happen?

Like I said, if there was a plot to this, sure maybe it would be worth something.