A review by worldlibraries
Florence Nightingale: The Courageous Life of the Legendary Nurse by Catherine Reef


Wow! What a woman. This was an incredibly inspiring book. How magnificent to see a woman so consumed with what she loved and so sure of her correct course. She helped define and shape the career of nursing from scratch and due to the integrity with which she lived her life, most likely popularized nursing quickly as a 'safe' sector for women to have a career.

I think this book is especially useful in young adult collections because it shows young women how a pioneer female exercised power, how she put her own needs ahead of her family's when she needed to, and how she never compromised her vision if she thought her way was the best way. But the book is not just for girls. It is also for everyone.

Since nursing is one of the careers that will continue as others are replaced by automation, showcasing Florence Nightingale's story to young people interested in the medical sector is a safe bet for occupational awareness.

Catherine Reef, the author, brought deep research skills to this book and outstanding storytelling skills used to set the stage and explain Florence's mileau. The book itself was beautifully produced and illustrated. I want to read more of the author's books due to the excellence of this one.

Florence Nightingale's name will still be spoken 500 years from now, and deservedly so.