A review by pagesandprozac
Her Cold Eyes by Tony Black


well, this is certainly a hard one to review. much like many crime/mystery/thriller books i've been reading recently, there wasn't much of a mystery, and it was more about the thriller aspect.

this book is dark. it's dark as shit. it's an unending fall into the blackest of abysses, and if you have any sort of trigger you should probably look away now because this book has it all: paedophilia, child abuse, gang rape, murder, satanic rituals, cannibalism, etc. none of it is described in a lot of detail, but if you're sensitive to that sort of thing then stay away.

i'm going to say what i say with all these types of books: it would have been good if there was a mystery. but it wasn't. we know who did it. we know what happened, and there isn't any Big Twists along the way.

it had potential, but it failed to deliver, and the ending just left me feeling miserable and bereft, and not in a good way like when you read a brilliant book with a tragic ending. it all seemed a little half-formed, as though the author had the plot down but couldn't figure out a way to make it mysterious.

basically, i'm really, really disliking all these books cropping up that are non-mystery thrillers, because at the end of the day, most of the enjoyment lies in figuring out who did it. that's just a personal preference, though.