A review by octavia_cade
The Four Suspects by Agatha Christie

mysterious fast-paced


I liked this, but it did rather strain credulity, I thought. One of the things I like best about the Miss Marple stories is that she often uses domestic details to solve the cases; details that the usual Scotland Yard detective might have missed. Here, I had to wonder if those detectives were sleeping on the job. The letter that was the key to the case was blatantly the key. I didn't know why, but it was still obvious that there was something fishy going on there, what with the spelling. I realise this is a little bit hypocritical of me, since I didn't know what the items being referred to actually were, but then I expect a little more of Scotland Yard detectives than I do of myself. It seems a bit strange that there was no one, no one in the whole bloody Yard, that didn't recognise those names for what they were, even if the capitalisation and acronyms were beyond them.