A review by avoraciousreader68
The Prisoner of the Riviera by Janice Law


*Book source ~ NetGalley

WWII is over and Europe is trying to rebuild. Painter Francis Bacon and his lover witness a shooting while leaving a gambling hall and then, a few days later, he’s asked to take a packet to the widow of the man he tried to save. In exchange, the owner will forgive his losses from that night. Finding this a strange request, he decides to do it since he’s heading to France on vacation anyway. But a task that should have been simple turns out to not be and Francis soon finds himself neck deep in post-war intrigue.

At times this mystery can be a bit tedious going, but for the most part it flows from one incident to another with poor Francis stuck smack dab in the middle with not much choice but to go along for the ride. It has its moments of being a bit hard to believe and at times the plot is bit too twisty to follow. However, it did entertain me and Francis is quite the character.