A review by julesgou
Beautiful Lies by Jessica Warman


I've got to hand it to Warman. She knew how to throw some twists in there.

Definitely didn't expect some of the things that happened in this novel. I was completely thrown for one surprise and there were a couple others that I didn't see coming. Warman did a great job with the twists.

The plot was interesting. The novel is centred around the idea of twins and their connection. In "Beautiful Lies", you must ask yourself just how much twins are connected. Do you believe once one twin gets injured, the other one gets the exact same injury without actually doing the action (if that makes any sense at all)? Twins have always been a interesting phenomenon and Warman does a great job with tying in the supernatural. I also really liked that this novel focused on the relationship between Alice and Rachel. However, I don't like the fact that we don't get to know more about one of the twins. There are some things that they haven't shared with each other and I wish we got to know more about those things.

I liked Alice and Rachel as characters. I thought that it was interesting to see one twin through the other. I also liked the fact that we got one twin's side of the story. We got to see what was going on in her mind and what everyone else thought.

"Beautiful Lies" was a very interesting novel and I quite enjoyed reading it. There were some nice surprises and I really liked the fact that Warman got into the whole twin connection. I am very interested to see what Warman is going to write next!