A review by theoriginal_b00k_nerd
Dirty English by Ilsa Madden-Mills


Dirty English - British Bad Boys #1 - Review

"Loving Declan was like the rain storms I loved to dance in. Crazy and unpredictable, sometimes turbulent, sometimes gentile."

Couple: Elizabeth & Declan Blay

Author: Lisa Madden-Mills

Tropes: British bad boy & American girl, bad boy romance, wallflower, frenemy to lover, friends to lovers, college/highschool romance, Mr. Dary themes, ex-fighter

Review: The Brits are coming and I am loving this British Invasion of Declan and Dax Blay! Worlds collide when a British ex-street fighter lays on a seemingly sweet and naive American girl. This read is one of my top Ilsa Madden-Mills books and is uber emotional, raw, gritty and tragic all in one.

Elizabeth is a wallflower, a shy girl with a troubled and dark past. After going to her first college party with friends, Shelly and Blake, she runs into Declan Blay, a British bad boy. Elizabeth was a girl who broke my heart and put it back together with her inner warrior strength and determination to begin living life again. After suffering in her past she tries to put violence behind her until she meets Declan who happens to be a fighter.

Declan is not your normal bad boy. After laying eyes on Elizabeth he is hooked. He instantly feels something for this tiny slip of woman who fights with all her heart to live. His raw honesty and love for her are what make this book exceptional. While he could fight her on his beliefs, he takes time to learn how to help her and encourage her that it is okay to love again.

This book will cause you to have those tissues close and require an all night binge! The couple has an intense chemistry but the romance is what this book is about. While Declan is slow with Elizabeth in the stem department, he is swoon trying to win affections and her time. The trust the he earns from her and the healing he allows her to have are something that bring me back to this story again and again!

I recommend this for anyone who loves second chances and FMC who learn to forgive and forget.

Rating: 1000+ there is no sale for this amazing read!