A review by a_smile
White Holes: Inside the Horizon by Carlo Rovelli


Carlo Rovelli mentions that this book was written with two audiences in mind (he did not use the following words). 

First it is written to be accessible to people that don't know quantum phenomena from general relativity. Except that they both are science things; probably math formula's; or maybe not? 
Hint: read this book it will give you the answer. 

Second it is written for his fellow scientists and to please those who already know the basics Rovelli explains he wrote the book as a novel. I would argue that this choice is equally beneficial to the first group. Information is much easier to process and remember when it is presented as a story, and what a story this small book takes us on! 

We journey to a black hole, from where we cross the horizon, stretch, flatten and finally make an ultimate bounce right out of time, where we stop existing for a bit only to magically re-appear in the past (yet also simultaneously million years into the future). Lucky for you, Rovelli is much better at explaining these things then I am. It makes sense by the end of this book, I promise! During our travels there will be some mind bending exercises, but fear not as we are reminded of a fellow traveler that once made a similar journey into Inferno... and he turned out ok. 

A lovely book that makes the improbable understandable trough the art of story-telling.