A review by yrc
In Solitude's Shadow by David Green


Originally I had written a long summary for this book.

I used to think that fantasy, especially in its epic form requires a door stopper. a lot of words for a big story, you know. David proved to me with this book, that that isn’t necessarily the case.

In the continent of Haltvadlt, the ever growing war between the humans and frowned upon elves shows no sign of relenting. For that reason, the empire and emperor decide to use new weapons in order to obliterate any opposition be it elf or human. In the meantime, Calene the magician chances upon a member of a race that has been forgotten and secreted away for eons. And to top that all a complex relationship between mother and daughter imbues.

Calene wants nothing to do with her exiled mother Zanna. She was sent away to the fortress sized hole-in the wall of Solitude, for ruthless actions a decade ago. But when a siege against Solitude starts by an ancient race thought to be decimated, and Calene is attacked on the road for wanting answers, all parties will have to make very tough decisions.
I loved that the stakes got higher as the story unraveled, as well as the banter between Calene and Birna. Kade's withdrawal torments were in my mind a bone-chilling yet very authentic portrayal of such a process. I also very much enjoyed the political machinations in the Conclave and how nothing comes easy for any of the characters along the narrative. There’s always a price to pay, even if you choose the other way.

With that said, there are two quibbles I had with this book. I thought the pacing of the first third of the book could have been smoother, and thankfully it improved rapidly afterwards. Especially the last third. I also thought Arlo’s discoveries in Solitude’s library were a bit too easy, though perhaps the context of an ancient race nobody cares about anymore and thought near extinction, warrant them.

In short, if you’re looking for a character-driven (non-door stop thick) fantasy book, with action, intrigue and mystery building up, try this out!