A review by markalkman
Northern Lights by Philip Pullman


Rating: Somewhere between 3 and 3.5 stars?

I... liked it a lot but I didn't love it as much as I expected to? Maybe because I haven't read it as a child/teen and so I don't have any nostalgic feelings toward the series. It is, however, a really cool concept and an extremely adventurous book. The story doesn't drag and the characters are interesting enough (but what's with all the full name business though? Iorek Byrnison, Serafina Pekkala, Farder Coram, etc). There were some really cool aspects to the story, though, and this first book has a lot of potential. I have a feeling the story is going to get a lot better, so I'll make sure to read book two and three asap!

I know this is a highly praised series and most people absolutely love it, but I can't join in the hype just yet. Maybe after I've read book two, because I do really like the storylines and crazy plottwists, and the fact that you don't really know who the villains are because it's pretty complicated. I don't think I would've understand half of it if I'd read this as a 12 year old.