A review by worldlibraries
All Colors by Amalia Hoffman


This board book was charming. It seems so simple on the face of it. It is simply colors. But the colors, and the textures used to make the colors, build. It all leads up to a sum greater than its parts. A child will enjoy the sense of discovery they get from the swaths of color coming together to create a friend. And then more friends!

Amalia Hoffman made a delightful, charming video that could go with the book to show children that expensive equipment isn't needed to make art -- indeed, it looked like she used household items from her home to create interesting textures.

While the friends are all 'colorful,' I don't think inclusion will be the first thing children get from this book. Indeed, I think they will take people of many colors represented on the pages to be a continuation of the celebration of color that is occuring within the page. And isn't that the best inclusion? When you are just enjoying it and not thinking about it?


An absolute delight!