A review by iggymcmuffin
Doctor Who: Burning Heart by Dave Stone


This book had a lot of problems, even though at times it managed to capture this particular version of The Doctor perfectly. There were a number of plot holes. The author spends an inordinate amount of time setting the futuristic scene, throwing in so much techno-jargon and future-slang at times that it becomes near impossible to follow the narrative. At other times he jumps from point of view to point of view, which normally would be fine but this case is combined with protagonists not knowing which each other leading to much confusion about whether the character being described is a new character or one that was on the first page. Worse these point of view shifts also frequently are written from the future and come with a flash back to the present tense with extra details thrown in (not to mention the real flash backs from the present to the past which usually added nothing at all to the story). Add it all up and you have a story that's exceptionally difficult to follow.

And I haven't even mentioned that this is a thinly veiled Doctor Who & Judge Dredd cross-over. It's as if someone used a word processor to find and replace 'Judge' with 'Adjudicator'/'Adjudicate' and 'Dredd' with 'Craator'. There's even a sentence in the book where on character is judging another and the word 'adjudgement' is used, even though it makes no sense in the sentence. Ugh.

In my professional adjudgement this Missing Adventure should have stayed missing.