A review by natneedsbooks
Blackout by Dannika Dark


Here we go again…. Freaking Raven ignoring her heart and everything she feels because she doesn’t get her way. Glad we don’t have to hear the memory excuse any more… although I’m sure there will be more reasons why she shouldn’t be with Christian. Geez, she doesn’t deserve him! She does whatever she wants with no regard for his feelings and then gets mad at him over trying to help and protect her. She’s turning into a total b&tch that I don’t care much for.
This series is 10 books long so I guess DD feels like situations should take several books to get resolved. But I’m about sick of Raven and this back and forth and the way she doesn’t trust Christian even after all he’s done to earn it. She’s mad about one thing or another. Christian saves her dads life and she throws a fit. Ugh…. I can’t stand her for much longer!

I had to skim and skip a lot of this book. I think it’s time I take a break from the series as I’ve been reading them one after another to this point and I’m getting bored. Same thing new book. And if Houdini becomes some All Knowing idol of Raven’s I’m gonna lose my sh@t. This is a man who sells women! Come on…. Quit making him some hero.
And the way Shepherds son’s situation went down really bugged me. Thank goodness Gem had a heart and brought them to their senses.