A review by dreamwanderer
Chrysalis by David Niall Wilson


Once again this book takes place during the early seasons of Voyager. I think this takes place sometime after Parturition.

Once again the Crew is in need of food and stops at a likely looking planet. It is lush and full of edible plants. I will give the writer credit for at least giving the reader strong hints that this planet is 'not what it seems' instead of surprising us with seemingly nice aliens who turn out to be evil. Neelix has heard rumors and old stories about it but dismissed them. Guess what? The rumors are true.

I will also give the writer credit for NOT falling into that other overused trope 'Paris gets involved with an alien woman' although as a sort of substitute he does spend most of the book with Kes but not to worry, as I said this apparently takes place after Parturition. They are on a rescue mission.

Each character gets a fair amount of 'focus'. Neelix's moments get tiring because all he does is worry about Kes and demand to be sent to the planet surface when there is no need for him to be there.

If I had any criticism it would be that too much time is spent from the alien's point of view delving into their philosophy of life and their religion. It really didn't add to the plot and some of the story 'back tracks' and the character moments overlap each other. It would have been better to just have kept it moving forward.

Fairly well written and not a bad read.