A review by ameserole
Silent Captive by Addison Cain



Okay, these guys are still fucking douche bags. I seriously hope that their dicks fall off by the third book because they obviously weren't taught on how to treat a fucking lady.

Silent Captive picks up where Branded Captive ended. I'm still very annoyed with the guys in this book - which shouldn't be a surprise. Other than that, I'm liking the smut.. but I hate how they are treating her. I feel so bad for Wren that I can't wait for her to become some type of bad ass and walk away from these guys. They need to realize that they are treating woman like shit. Lower than shit, really.

I have nothing else to say about this book. I'm obviously going to wait for the next one to come out but I'm really hoping, and praying, that the these guys will become human and realize that she's still not an object. god, I will hate everyone if that doesn't happen.