A review by bookbriefs
Art of Death (Curse Breakers #1) by Becca Vincenza


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Art of Death is a new adult urban fantasy by author Becca Vincenza, and is the first book in the curse breakers series. Art of Death was a quick, but action packed read that really got me interested in this new series. I cannot wait to get my hands on the second book in the curse breakers series, Secrets of the Dead, which is out now as well. Fans of fast paced, action filled stories will devour Art of Death. There is a smidge of romance in this one as well, but it is not an overly heavy part of the story. I wish there was a bit more romance, but the romance that was there was good, and I am hoping to see even more in the second book. In Art of Death we meet twins, Rowan and Abel. I so loved the two of them, both together and as individuals. We see so many dysfunctional and unhealthy sibling/family/friend relationships in young adult books, that it was pleasantly refreshing and wonderful to see how well Rowan and Abel get along. You can tell they really care for each other, and not simply because they happen to be twins. We see a lot more of Rowan in Art of Death because she is on a mission to rescue her twin brother Abel. I think that is why I felt a deeper connection to Rowan in this story. I really enjoyed learning about the curse that plagues Rowan and Abel's family and I really enjoyed learning more about necromancers. They are a branch of magic that has always intrigued me and one where I have not read too many books featuring a necromancer as the main character. Most of my encounters with them have been as secondary characters in a more ensemble cast set up. It is nice to see them front and center. In fact, I would love to hear other book recommendations that you have for me featuring necromancers. (Leave them in the comments below) Art of Death is a great first installment to the curse breaker series. I can't wait to read the sequel and see what is going to happen. Becca Vincenza does a great job writing a fast paced tale that grabbed me immediately and did not let me go until after I had finished the last page. I am eager to read more from her. 

This review was originally posted on Book Briefs