A review by stephbookshine
Infected 2: Tales to Read Alone by Tabby Stirling, Gerri Leen, Rebecca Fraser, Calvin Demmer, R.J. Meldrum, F. Paul Wilson, Pochassi, Shaun Taylor, Irene Punti, Louise Zedda-Sampson, Brian Bowyer, Steve Dillon, Yash Seyedbagheri, Claire Fitzpatrick, Brianna Courtney Bullen, Catherine McCarthy, Edward Ahern, Eugene Johnson, John Palisano, Eric J. Guignard, Mark Towse, Noel Osualdini, Chris Mason, T.C. Phillips, Tracy Fahey, Tom Prince, Patrick J. Gallagher


*I was contacted by Steve Dillon, of Things in the Well, with the request to review these two horror anthologies, and advised that all proceeds from purchases will go to charity to help those affected by Coronavirus. As always, the decision to review and my opinions are my own.*

I’m reviewing both anthologies at the same time, simply because they have similar themes and content – in so far as they are both short story anthologies featuring horror, darkness, and… rather obviously… infection!

Here you will find poems and stories from various authors that feature plague, epidemic, pandemic, apocalypse, death, fear and zombies. People fall asleep, turn into zombies, bleed from every orifice. Societies shut down and/or turn feral. Horror stalks us: manmade, natural and supernatural. We suffer and die in a multitude of imaginative ways.

These stories are for the kind of horror fans who like to flirt with danger, wallow in darkness and scream defiantly into the abyss. They play on the fears we all have of the silent, invisible death creeping through the population, while we cower helpless to resist. So, at the risk of stating the obvious (again!), you should probably think of giving these anthologies a miss if you are anxious about the current world situation. Anyone already feeling nervous about coronavirus and quarantine is going to probably find this collection pretty unnerving, to put it mildly.

That said, the money from purchasing these anthologies is going to a very good cause and the stories are varied, well-written and disturbing (in a good way), so you could always buy them anyway and then keep them to read with retrospective relief once this is all over and we emerge blinking from our bunkers to repopulate the planet!

We live in a time when isolation seems to be the only way to protect ourselves from another infectious plague. Loneliness has become the new norm, it seems, yet we still find ways to pull together in an ever increasingly world of virtuality.
This anthology was born of a desire to face up to the beast that is covid-19, aka coronavirus, aka the 2020 plague; to look in its slavering maw and say ‘fuck you because life goes on, and when you’re gone from this place, the world and its people will be stronger.
The other driver, for myself and all the wonderful contributors who’ve shared these stories with us, is to see if we can make a difference where we can. In this case to raise funds for the Save the Children Coronavirus Response.

– Steve Dillon, from the Introduction to Infected

Review by Steph Warren of Bookshine and Readbows blog