A review by dunguyen
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain


Quiet is an interesting book that spawned a million copies. It was probably the first book to really talk up introversion instead of extroversion and therefore was a very important book when it got published.
The first part was pretty good with lots of sources and studies and deals with the image of introversion and explaining some of the studies that deals with introversion and extroversion. The last part was not as good as it became all anecdotes as it was related to how introverts could thrive in today's society and how you can deal with introverts. I thought it balanced the introversion vs extroversion well without taking a side although it could seem a bit passive aggressive sometimes. One thing I did not like was how absolute it was treating it almost as binary. She didn't explain a lot about ambiverts are people who are neither introvert or extrovert.

An important book that kickstarted a conversation we're better off for having but with flaws. Still an interesting read though, just remember to be critical about it too.