A review by wildgurl
Shattered by Dean Koontz


By K.RDwyer (Dean R.Koontz)

If you can't win 'em, chase 'em....so this story begins. Colin and Courtney have begun a new life together and have found a new place across the country. Courtney has gone ahead to get everything ready, Colin and Alex, Courtneys brother will follow driving from Philly to San Francisco.
The trip begins as fun......until they see a van, always close begin....getting closer and closer......they realize he knows their entire itinerary and he will not lose sight of them....
The man, armed with an ax and a vengeance knows following them will lead him to Courtney...whom he lost to Colin. But he only knows the city, San Francisco, not the exact address......
Will Alex and Colin male it to San Francisco? Read this page turner to.find out.