A review by kendall_mitchell
The Woo-Woo: How I Survived Ice Hockey, Drug Raids, Demons, and My Crazy Chinese Family by Lindsay Wong


I read this book for an English class in university. When I first started it, I did not connect with the writing whatsoever and often found myself frustrated by the events within this pages. At around the halfway mark I was sure I would not finish this book. And then I had the privilege of meeting the author and that encounter changed everything. Seeing her as a normal human seemingly unaffected by the Woo Woo changed my perspective on the book. I no longer read it as a confusing telling of a childhood, I started reading it as a long, hard journey to life away from the Woo Woo. While this book may not be for everyone, if you like dark humour that covers up pain, memoirs about dysfunctional families and want to read about mental health in a way it was never been written before, then you just might enjoy the Woo Woo.