A review by jlennidorner
Grumpy Old Gods: Volume 1 by Elizabeth Shaffer, Juneta Key, Katharina Gerlach


I recommend this book to those who enjoy pondering where the Old Gods are now, what they might be doing since the religions that worshipped them have so greatly declined in followers. A large chunk of this book uses myths from the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Norse mythologies.

I really wish there was an included link list to more information about the referenced deities and myths. I knew most, but still, I think it would be useful. Most of the stories have Gods who were formerly worshipped in parts of Europe (some from Africa or Asia) now retired in the United States. (Coyote was the only Native American omnipotent being I spotted.)

I read the whole book because I've read a few of these authors before and looked forward to seeing what they contributed. As a bonus, I found some new-to-me authors to look up and fan-stalk. The title goes very well with the book, as it does describe several of the characters. There are some references to sex, alcohol, and rock-n-roll, but it's a clean-read overall.

Each of the stories was a page-turner, though I read the book over a week's time because it was my "I have 20 minutes" book, so I mostly read one story at a time.

The current genres listed are correct for this book.
Greek & Roman Myth & Legend
Greco-Roman Myth & Legend Fantasy eBooks
Fantasy Anthologies & Short Stories

Disclaimer: I signed up to host a #bookblast and to read an ARC (April 17, 2019, was the last updated one I received). I am a speculative fiction author who is writing a series where the main characters are omnipotent beings.

Pan by Vanessa Wells - I had never heard barbed wire called bob wire before, so I learned something. The story itself I really liked. It pulled me into the book. Excellent opener. It left me wanting more of the Clair character.

A Low-Key Game Night by Elizabeth Shaffer - I like the hidden joke in the title. I found this quite amusing. Pretty sure fans of the traditional lore will enjoy this far more than fans of the MCU.

For Want of a Feather by Andrew Dunlop - A very interesting concept. It didn't end exactly as I thought it might, but I was close to guessing. Good philosophical debate opener, especially for atheists.

Out of Luck by Vanessa Finaughty - This one is full of feels by the end. Love the HEA. Very meaningful.

Rule 34 by Avery Vanderlyle - You know, this is kind of realistic fiction because it *could* be true. I mean, it'd be hard to prove one way or other, wouldn't it? Authors of romance and erotica will probably get the biggest kick out of reading this gem.

I really loved this part:
“You’re a harvest deity, Demeter. You’re only concerned with procreative sex.” Loki leered. “But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. A force like sexuality -- then you add human imagination -”

Immanent Domain by Wendy Smyer Yu - This was my favorite story. (I'm a Native American. This story used Coyote as a trickster, who is from the lore from some Native American tribes. That makes me happy.) I like that it was more Urban Fantasy, and that the immortal and mortal had real interactions, and that she was able to help him and others in the end.

I don't know the Scrub Jay mythology. (Or jackrabbit, muskrat, or tule elk.) I've heard of Coyote as a trickster in several mythologies/ religions though. I do wish I knew which tribe's lore was used in this case though.

A part I enjoyed:
She’d never heard of that one and for a moment she was embarrassed that she knew the names of all the current game shows. Yes, she had been a little depressed in the winter and had watched too much television, but her recent resolve to cultivate new interests and find greater fulfillment still held firm.

God of Morning by Elizabeth McCleary - This was a complex story. I enjoyed it. Excellent ending.

There's a part I really loved:
There was a homeless man on a bench, enjoying the first rays of the sun as they warmed his face. His joy at the morning was earthy, but heartfelt. Mere existence spawned depression in some, but here was one who savored every moment. He treated the day like a brother.

And then there's a part that I feel a lot of LGBTQIA+ people would appreciate:
“Don’t call me Dawn. I’m not a goddess, I’m a god.” He sounded sulky. This was an old argument. In truth, the gods and goddesses were neither masculine nor feminine—or maybe they were both—but were assigned characteristics by their believers based on their perceptions. But Morrow—Dawn—had never wanted to be a girl.

I really love the ending. It was full of feels. HEA!

Zeus Really Needs to Go by Shawn Klimek - Love the duel meaning of the title. The part about the "me too" movement caught my attention. The setting is intriguing.

There's a conversation that had me pondering:
“The jury of public opinion, Dad. Media.”
“A fig for the opinion of mortals.”
“Mr. Zeus!”
Mars held up a palm and blocked the chair. “Dad, our power faded when people stopped worshipping us, right? What do you think will happen if they start hating us?”

Breaking the Habit by Ronel Janse von Vuuren - Sneaky "Woody Allen" use in there. I loved the idea of them golfing. I could picture it. Well-done. Good plot-twists. I like the theme of the importance and continued value of the old. My third favorite story in the book.

The New Chief Medical Examiner by Tom Vetter - I ended up liking this far more than expected. My second favorite story in the book. I love the inclusion of Elvis. Very entertaining. The setting made me wonder several things, mostly at the end while SF is in the restroom. I'm curious as to the lore of the story, if it's more fantasy/myth where people don't know the place exists, or more like "magical realism" where it's accepted that the world population would know about the place.

Lines that made me laugh:
"When things get particularly bad, we bring in George Patton or Chuck Norris to slap him back into line.”

“Well, he’s certainly high-functioning, and his intellect is intact. Completely crackers, of course. Totally self-deluded and immersed in this (*SPOILER) identity to the point of having lost his original persona."

If any readers are highly offended though, please write and send me your valid postal address. I’ll personally apologize and send you a free gift: Medusa’s head in an unmarked box.

Playing Hooky by Juneta Key - I really liked the bartender, even if that's a minor character. I enjoyed the wider variety of deities. The use of Gameboys made me laugh.

Harbinger of Doom by Katharina Gerlach - This one made me hungry. It was inspirational and entertaining. I like how it turned out.

Whither Athena? by Marshall J. Moore - I liked the twist on the old-school detective story. I loved the scene at The Lincoln Memorial. This story made me laugh and left me pensive. Excellent emotional rollercoaster. A perfect story to end the book.

This conversation cracked me up:
“Ah.” He set the phone down on my desk, steepling his fingers. “Again, my apologies. You can call me Mr. Mercury.”
“A Queen fan, I see.”
A smile cracked his tan face, wide and genuine. His teeth were perfectly white. “Who isn’t?”

And then this hit me like a ton of emotional bricks:
“As you said, wisdom now is needed. Your leadership is corrupted by greed, the populace divided by fear and dissent. In a land of strength and prosperity wealth and power are held by the few, and the many suffer for it. Change is coming, but it rests with the people to determine if it be for good or ill.
“So I will step away, to see if this democracy can weather the storm it finds itself in. To see if the people have learned well the lessons of justice and equality, and can use them to right the course of this ship before it wrecks itself upon the reefs.”

That is the most powerful lesson in the book. It should be quoted and spread all over the Internet. Meme viral wildfire! Ask how candidates feel about it when the elections come. Really, that's an excellent quote and made me grateful to have read this book.