A review by pattyfgd
Wild Fury by S. Massery


Wild Fury
Fallen Royals, Book 6
By: S. Massery
Narrated by: Laurie West, Christian Black

This series has been fantastic! This is the last book in the Fallen Royals and I am going to miss them all! S. Massery gives us Lux and Theo in this one, and their story had my heart, sometimes aching and sometimes soaring. These two have know each other since childhood, experiencing tragedy that both keeps them close and drives them apart. Their love-hate relationship is an incredible mask to the deepness of their feelings even from a young age, But each year, the push pull keeps them at a distance. The devastation in their lives continues, and from afar, Theo keeps tabs on his girl. But when she disappears, life changes. Will these two find their way back and will it be happy? I found myself having that pit in my stomach as I listened to this one. I was happy, and frustrated and in love and angry all at the same time, wanting to shake them both and find the happy medium. Massery is such an amazing author, she kept me guessing and on edge, and it's the best feeling. It's the perfect ending to an incredible series.

Laurie West and Christian Black bring all the feels to this story. It's emotionally driven and both give their characters and edginess that keeps them at a distance, but that underlying feeling of love lingers. Their chemistry is evident as the story progresses and it makes the for a true feeling of the real struggle these two were going through. Cast perfectly, this is an amazing listen.