A review by wingsandfables
Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes

Did not finish book. Stopped at 28%.
DNF @ 28%. I'm not going to finish this book or the rest of the books in the series. It just doesn't have that It Factor for me as a reader and I dislike how much I have to push myself to keep reading. There are too many points of view for my taste which makes me lag every time we come to a character I don't really care about (the majority of them) or outright hate (I'm looking at you, Jonas). Coupled with the dry writing style, I just can't convince myself to keep going just for the sake of finding out what happens to Magnus, the only character I actually find interesting. If by some miracle I find my interest renewed in this series again, I'll pick them up at the library, but for now I'll be donating my collection so I can free some space on my bookcases.