A review by ellesea
Coming Home to Glendale Hall by Victoria Walters


Reluctantly driving up to her family home in Northern Scotland, Beth Williams journey is a reluctant one. Along with her daughter, they are spending Christmas with her family because her grandmother is ill and her father pleaded with her to come. However, once she's back at the place she ran away from, it triggers memories and awakes passions she's long forgotten. So when fate steps in to shake up her life, she has to decide whether she can fall in love again with the place she called home and the man she ran away from. 

There's plenty within the narrative I guessed would happen but still, the author manages to inject surprise elements which warmed my heart. As a mum with such a child, I particularly appreciated the references to red hair and the prejudices often faced by those lucky to have such a striking physical feature. I admire the inclusion, highlighting both the negatives and the positives of which I'm a firm admirer of the latter. 

The message of this poignant narrative is righting the wrongs, to make peace with the past so to clear the way for the future. This sentiment is true for Beth's family as well as her relationship with Drew. It's a reminder of how damaging words can be and how they can shape peoples beliefs. Sadness aside, there's plenty of wonderful Christmassy references with a strong emphasis on community spirit. The characters are all loveable and with the beautiful Scottish backdrop, you'll be wanting to pack your bags to spend Christmas there, within this beautiful part of the world. 

Plenty of Christmas themed novels are around now and if you're interested in a story filled with hope, second chances and a happy ending, this one is definitely worth a read. 

***arc generously provided by the publisher Hera via NetGalley***