A review by echoingpages
Sing Me to Sleep by Gabi Burton


thank you to netgalley, the author and publisher for this arc.

3.75 stars.

this was fun. entertaining. i don't always like siren-y stories, but i enjoyed this one.

this was definitely character-driven for me. the characters were the best part about this book, especially because the worldbuilding wasn't entirely there for me. i'm hoping this will get better in the next book, as we should be expanding past what we've seen now (based on what's said in the final chapter, at least).

i honestly don't have much to comment on this book, apart from that i don't really agree with how certain characters reacted to certain events, but i guess everyone's different and reacts differently. like it just didn't feel genuine to me sometimes, but that's all, really.

would i read the second book? yes, i think i would. just to see more of the characters and witness them live up to their full potential.