A review by bibliotequeish
The Black Swan of Paris: A WWII Novel by Karen Robards


Its not fair to this book that I was reading it at the same time as [b:The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay|3985|The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay|Michael Chabon|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1503806495l/3985._SY75_.jpg|2693329].
They are written in the same time frame, yet one book takes place in Nazi Occupied France and the other in New York City. So it was very telling that as a reader I felt for the characters in [a:Michael Chabon|2715|Michael Chabon|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1515875672p2/2715.jpg] 'Kavalier & Clay' more than I did for Robards 'The Black Swan'
I felt the effects of the war through Chabons pages in New York, more than I did in Robards pages where the Black Swan was singing for Nazis.

Mind you Chabon is a Pulitzer Prize winning author... Winning the Pulitzer FOR the Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay... which it why I started this review by saying "its not fair to this book..."

BUT unfortunately that's how it went down,

I could not connect to these characters, I don't know if that was the writing style, or the characters themselves.
I feel as though the author tried to pack as much sadness into these pages, but unfortunately it just fell flat. I was not heartbroken, I anticipated what would happen on the next page in the next chapter, and because of this it was not the most enjoyable read.
This book has great reviews so I was excited to read it. I guess its just not my style.