A review by michaelnlibrarian
Looking for Lovedu: A Woman's Journey Through Africa by Ann Jones


I have been browsing the books available from OverDrive through my local library - if I limit the selection to those books available immediately, often the choices are . . . limited, but not necessarily bad. If I give them a chance.

I have been reading books about Africa more recently - I happened upon this by searching OverDrive for "Africa" as a keyword. The author traveled from England through France to Morocco and down the west side of Africa through Senegal, then across Mali and more or less east to Uganda and Tanzania, then south from there. The trip took up most of 1996 (I think - it's not always easy to tell with travel books like this). The first half of the trip she traveled with a younger man in a 15 year old Land Rover, then the two of them had a falling out and she traveled with several woman for the second third of the trip in a rental Land Cruiser.

The author is a good writer and intersperses some but not too much history and background with her first hand descriptions of what she experienced. The only downside of reading this today is that 1996 is almost twenty years ago, so while her observations are interesting they are hardly current.