A review by amtl73
Marked / Betrayed / Chosen / Untamed by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast


I love Vampires and I am beginning to love Young Adult fiction...Enter Marked by PC and Kristen Cast. I was made aware of this series by a coworker. We somehow got on the topic of Vampires (maybe talking about Twilight?) and she said she LOVES this series. Vampires + Young Adults = Winning! I was in.

I picked up this book and immediately got sucked in! This series has a very different take on Vampires: instead of being "made" Vampires are born and around puberty get "marked" if they are vampires. Once you are marked, you have to leave your family/friends and enter the "House of Night" where you finish going through your change into becoming a vampire. Sometimes people are not strong enough for the change and could die. The main character is Zoey Redbird (who has some Native American ancestry). She gets marked in school and has to go into the House of Night and adopt the vampire way of living. Once there, she has to deal with school cliques, an boyfriend, and just being away from a not so great home.

I enjoyed this book because it was so different from what I have always "known" about vampires. The fact that you are genetically predisposed instead of Brad Pitt making you into one? Interesting.

With the Twilight series, I really didn't enjoy the first one but got more into it as I read the series. But Marked - this one is so different but interesting, I know I will finish the series!

I highly recommend your reading it if you like Vampires!