A review by penwiper
The Complete Poems by Christina Rossetti


I’ve had this huge book on my shelves for at least twelve years. Time to read it!

I enjoyed it even though poetry is not my thing; Rossetti is one of the more accessible poets. she was certainly prolific! Some of it is a bit twee, esp in regards to children and babies; other portions surprisingly deep, and some downright unreadable unless you happen to know Italian. I don’t, so free pass for me on those ones!

If I was trying to study the poems I don’t know that I would read it at the speed I chose this time— maybe five pages a day for contemplation if I wanted to do a more honest in depth study. I am a little afraid most will blend together for me, since I decided 50 pages a day would be my goal to complete the book in a timely fashion. Maybe that’s one reason not to try and read everything a single author has produced at one time: it is easy to start skimming and not pay attention!

However that is my problem. I’m definitely more comfortable with prose than poetry! Still good to branch out every now and then.