A review by ezichinny
One Silent Night, by Sherrilyn Kenyon


Stryker wanted revenge against Acheron & Nick for the death of his son so he releases Aries, the god of war and bargains for Aries to kill Ach & Nick.
To thwart Stryker, Artemis enlists the Zephyra, Stryker's ex-wife to stop Stryker's plan. So now the ex lovers are on a collision course to fight it out, along with their personal issues.

This series is iffy for me but this book was one of the good ones. I didn't enjoy Acheron as much as others, but this one was enjoyable. We get to see how Artemis and Apollo have manipulated the hunters over hundreds of years. What I enjoyed most is the complexity of Stryker as a character. I wouldn't call him a super good hero, but he isn't a bad guy either. He is what the gods made him and I found that I like him as a protagnoist.
The couple had great chemisty and I am glad that the love was restored for Stryker and Phyra. I think I will get back to this series now.