A review by bookworm32
Winter at the Door by Sarah Graves


Overall this was a decent book. I'm much more a fan of Sarah Graves' Home Repair is Homicide series. I agree with many other reviewers that the storyline was convoluted. There was a lot going on in this. It felt like the author was trying to pack too much into the first of what will be a series: A past love interest with complicated history, a dead sister, dead sister's missing daughter, five ex-cops who may or may not have committed suicide...And that was just the beginning to try and introduce the larger murder mystery.

It took me forever to really feel invested in the book, but once I sort of accepted that there was never going to be any backstory about the dead sister and why her child was missing the events began unfolding a bit more and it was suspenseful coming to a somewhat predictable end. I'd give the next book a try, hoping that some of the very random feeling details from the book take shape in the coming books.