A review by allingoodtime
Making Her His by Lucy Leroux


This is a book I got for free during some promotion. Sometimes I find hidden gems in these "free for a limited time" or "free first book of series" downloads. Not so much this time.

Now, it wasn't terrible. There were just too many things wrong with it for me to give it a higher rating or want to read any of the books further into the series. First and foremost, my pet peeve...bad editing. I will always forgive a book one or two editing errors. But when I am constantly being taken out of the story because of sentences like "the busy executive floor was busy", I start to get annoyed. It can be the greatest story in the world, but a few too many of those sloppy errors and things start to fall apart for me.

I really liked the heroine, Elynn, a lot. She was a bit reserved but not standoffish, she was tough but not a witch, she was smart but not smug. As for the hero, Alex, it depended on the situation. He could be smug and controlling and a jerk. But he could also be gentle and caring. Far too often the controlling side took over. And although I did understand the love Alex and Elynn found with each other, I never got the warm-fuzzies from them.

All in all I found the story interesting but the writing a bit disjointed. I have too many other books waiting for me to continue with this author at this time.