A review by rohini_murugan
Wired for Dating: How Understanding Neurobiology and Attachment Style Can Help You Find Your Ideal Mate by Stan Tatkin


I read a self help book.

I’m gonna need a couple more seconds to process that.

I just finished reading a self help book.

Now that that is processed, I read a psychology/neuroscience derived self help book. This is a line I never thought I’d cross, but here I’m standing on the other side of the shore. And, I have my thoughts and concerns.

My scientific mind believes that it is a gross misuse of neuroscience to extend it to behaviour, let alone to a whole set of complex behavioural toolkit of dating. Sure, one can always draw correlations and hypothesis but I was very much irked by the prevailing old brain/new brain assumptions being weaved into the book - almost on every page.

Now, my personal mind. What does it think? I’d say about half of the book was useful in trying to figure out myself and my needs and wants. But I also largely found myself unable to relate to a large part of the book; not because I haven’t had an experience but because it painted a picture of relationships very different from what I had in mind.

Overall, it was a good short read. More like a manual, if anything. Which is probably the problem, coz I don’t think relationships can have a set number of instructions and work based on that.