A review by books4dayswithrobyn
Ends Here by M. Robinson


M Robinson me and you are gonna fall out one of these days.
My kindle and heart can't keep going through this.
Soon i won't even have a heart, just a throbbing hole in my chest were it's literally fell out on to the ground and stomped on.
And more poor kindle.
I don't know how how it bloody survived without being chucked against the wall.
Angst. Angst. Angst.
Funny thing is i don't really like angst because i like my heart exactly where it is. Not in my stomach and not in my throat but in my chest where it's suppose to be.

So it basically picks up straight from book one and your literally free falling.
Spiralling down, down, down till you hit the ground with a good hard smack.

Not that i can say much so i don't give the story away but damn you do know how to keep us on our toes.
I honest to god didn't know what was gonna happen like 80% of this book.
I was cussing, i was tearing up, i was swooning.
Pretty much felt it all, like a big pile of feelings and emotions.

Safe to say though Creed can do no wrong in my eyes. He is everything.
Mia annoyed the hell out of me and i wanted to shake her most of the time.
And Noah. Well he wasn't Creed.

I would like to say i can sleep easier now i know what happens but i don't think my heart has recovered.

I shall wait for your next release on tender hooks.