A review by cooperca
Hollywood Homicide by Kellye Garrett


This book had so much promise, and as it's won numerous awards, I really thought I'd love this book. But no, it's slow pace, superficial characters, mediocre storyline, I just couldn't get into it. I gave it 100 pages to get my attention and bring together the murder and Dayna's amateur private eye skills.

Let's start with Dayna. She fumbles around in life, saying stupid things, doing stupid stuff, and acting like a bratty teenager. I don't know if these quirks were supposed to make her likable, but all it did was make me want to hit my head with a hammer. She'd scream out statements like "We are the police", when it's just her and her friend (neither of which have anything to do with law enforcement) and "I found the killer". OMG...really, really?

Her friend, Sienna, I'm not sure the why behind the need for this character. It seemed like all she did was shop, she never really moved the story forward or added anything to Dayna's story.

Emme, she was the only friend I did like. She was diligent, strong, and mature. A book starring Emme, I would read.

The story just lumbered along. Oh, the whole issue with the police tip line was beyond just painful to read.

I really wanted to love this book and had such high hopes. For me, the writing, characters, and storyline just didn't come together to create a mystery I could get into.