A review by elenajohansen
Auraria by Tim Westover


DNF @ 25 percent because I got bored. The entire first quarter of the book was a lather-rinse-repeat of the protagonist going to a person to buy their land, having basically the same conversation with each one until something weird happened, buying the land, and then going on his merry way while completely failing to be affected by the weird thing.

While I did like some of the weird things--the house that had more stories when you were in it than appeared from the outside, with each one getting smaller, until the top floor only had room for "thimble and thread", that was actually pretty neat--the story as presented felt like an excuse to have a mystical, cool setting more than an actual story. The emphasis was definitely placed on how strange the town and its inhabitants were, rather than any actual plot, which was plodding and dull.