A review by krobcecil
Under the Dome by Stephen King


A propulsive examination/damnation of small town life in modern America, this is one of the most overtly political King novels I've read. It offers AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH level examination of anthropogenic global warming, and a succinct summation of the SHOCK DOCTRINE, without ever sacrificing narrative entertainment. I also admired King for humanizing the worst of his characters while, concurrently, demonizing the best of them. I enjoyed this so much I'll even forgive him for resorting to his standard deus ex machina ending due to its thematic relevance, and subtle as a jackhammer (but equally affective) message. From the sixth grade to my senior year I read every King book starting with PET SEMETARY, then gave up on him after INSOMNIA. A few years ago I read, and liked, CELL; but didn't feel the need to fill in the decade long gap (and mile high stack) between it and INSOMNIA. After UNDER THE DOME though, I not only feel compelled to catch up with King, I have the same sense of excitement for him I had when I was 12 years old, up past my bedtime, and wondering what horrors awaited me on the next page.