A review by erickalundry
The Dark Glory War: A Prelude to the Dragoncrown War Cycle by Michael A. Stackpole


This was a VERY slow read for me. I would pick it up to try and read it, but I could never read more than a few chapters at a time. I didn't start getting emmersed in the story until about 2/3rds of my way through the book. Somewhere around the first 1/3rd I realized that the main character (Tarrant) really bored me, but I stuck around for Leigh and Nay because I actually liked them.. they seemed more versatile as characters.
I still enjoyed the story as a whole. It's really different than what I usually read. I didn't plan on reading the trilogy that follows until around the last 100 pages. It's weird to see how other people in the reviews took the ending. I'm seeing a few people hated on it, but I actually really liked it.