A review by thebeardedpoet
Timetrap by David Dvorkin


Star Trek novels are perfect bedtime reading for me, because I don't have to concentrate too hard on who is who and what the situation is as I get sleepy. They're also a fun dose of comfort-food nostalgia. Timetrap is a solidly fun and enjoyable one. Dvorkin insists on keeping readers in the dark about a number of things for the sake of advancing the plot and increasing curiosity about what the heck is going on. Kirk seems out of character for some of the book, but there are extenuating circumstances which seem to explain that, and then later the real reasons are revealed. All in all, this novel had the tone, pace, and situations of TOS TV show, and I felt right at home. As others have noted, this book was written before the Kinglon backstory was more fully developed in TNG and Discovery, so a number of details do not jive with canon.