A review by crackercrumblife
Sometimes I Feel Like a Nut: Essays and Observations by Jill Kargman


This book comes with a disclaimer- if you are uncomfortable reading books with strong sometimes crude language and humor, this book is not for you. And I realize that is more of a warning than a disclaimer. Kargman is hysterically funny to me, but I know that not everyone enjoys reading certain words or about certain situations. So I want to put that out there.

Kargman's book made me laugh out loud - I had to put this book down until my husband got home, just so I could share the funny parts with him. I am sure he thought I was a nut, amid my giggles, trying to read the sentence. But he is used to it. Her hatred of Nellie Oleson almost had me hyperventilating. I was a huge Little House fan, and I really disliked Nellie too. And her descriptions of momzillas, I feel I have met those women, and yes, they are frightening.

There are a few parts that are not meant to be funny, but reflective, such as the chapter where Kargman writes a letter to her apartment, which was sort of like her cocoon for a bit, and gave her the space to grow and change; but the chapter where she talks about how vanity saves her life is my favorite. Her never give up, I am going to get what I want attitude regarding botox led her to a startling discovery, that really did save her life.

I loved this book, although I do not recommend it for everyone.