A review by kerveros
Amber Beach, by Elizabeth Lowell


So I wasn't planning on re-reading this (or the rest of the series) anytime soon, however I recently read another series where the sex scenes were so poorly done and inserted into the overall plot, I wanted to read something that I recalled had those scenes done well.

Unlike that other series where the sex seemed to overthrow the plot a bit, here there is enough of a plot that the sex seems natural. That said this is almost chick-lit (I don't class it as such, as to me, chick-lit is generally more light hearted and this series can be rather dark at times), so of course we have two beautiful people who are immediately attracted to one another. That said, the book includes women who are more beautiful than Honour, and both she and Jake are rather intelligent (something that not a lot of chick-lit characters are).

Honestly though, the sex in this book is not the main point (otherwise it would be erotica), the main plot - of Honour trying to find her brother, and the trade of amber is really rather riveting and I think that if you took out the sexual tension you'd still have a very good book left.

This is also the 75th book I have read this year, and therefore completes my Reading Challenge. I could have waited to read this but the other book I am mainly reading at the moment is ... an uphill struggle so I wanted my challenge completing book to be one that I knew I liked. So yeah, a decent book, an interesting plot, some well utilised sex scenes... an overall solid read.