A review by bookishnicole
Legacy of Kings by Eleanor Herman

Did not finish book.
I recevied this book from Goodreads First Reads Program.

I DNF'd around page 200. I couldn't connect with the characters or get invested in what happened with them. I usually read on my hour long commute each way, but found it difficult to want to pick up the book the two days that I had it with me.

I think part of the problem is that there are too many POV's, you have Kat, Jacob, Alexander, Heph, Cyn, Zo and The Queen. I also didn't like how every name was shorted, like Timourus (Not the actual name because I can't remember it without the book in front of me) became referenced as "Tim" which I will admit I don't know for sure, but I'm pretty confident that they did not shorten names like that in the time of Alexander the Great but I could be wrong.

I probably could have kept reading and pushed through it, but there are too many books to force yourself through one that you're not really enjoying.