A review by patrick_dale91
The Bass Rock by Evie Wyld


Whilst having great characters and a brilliant premise, this book ended up disappointing me. It tells the story of three women in completely different times who all suffer cruelly at the hands of men, but are all linked by the setting: the bass rock. My first issue is in fact the setting. I was hoping for a domineering setting that was pervasive throughout the novel (I'm thinking Manderley in Rebecca) but it never came close to becoming a presence. As well as this, the characters are very oddly outbalanced: the tale of Sarah, accused of witchcraft in 1700s, is bit part in comparison to the others and thus feels strangely latched on to the book. I enjoyed Ruth's story greatly, and almost wonder if this could have been the entire novel- I wasn't ready for her story to end tbh; Vivienne's, told in contemporary times, I cared least for.