A review by pages_and_procrastination
Here and Now by Kimberla Lawson Roby


Normally I am a big fan of Roby’s book. She has a way of making unlikeable characters compelling enough to visit time and again. She has never shied away from talking about hard topics. And she does it through distinct black characters. All things that I’m here for. But, not this time. I love the fact that Roby takes a stereotype of a black woman (single mother with two kids and a deadbeat dad) and goes deeper and brings reality of the situation to the forefront (mom is a really good mom, sacrificing to do what’s best for her kids). But, over and over again the character talks about how she shouldn’t do something but yet still does it. It’s not a regretful thought after the fact, could then blame it on impulsivity. They go in eyes wide open that they’re making a mistake. Both sisters do this, even though they have different problems. And then there’s the obsession over a pregnancy, and bad decisions because of that. The resolution for that is pretty much glossed over. While i didn’t particularly enjoy this one, I will continue with her other works.