A review by krakentamer
Escape from Witchwood Hollow by Jordan Elizabeth


Note: I was given a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review. Overall, I liked this book. As a 47 y/o man, I am probably not a good representative of the target demographic. I actually read quite a bit of YA, but that's usually IN SPITE of the romance angle. The author seemed to want to try to take this into the teen romance direction a few times, but luckily, that part never really got off the ground.
This was a fun book, a little predictable, but that's not always a negative. I thought that the ending seemed to come out of left field (so, therefore, I didn't predict it :D ) - almost seemed to be a rushed job to end the book.
One other thing that I can't help but point out - this book could really use a good copyeditor to look it over. There were multiple instances of the wrong word in place (e.g. "as lease" instead of "at least"), showing that a spell check incorrectly fixed something. Other instances where a word was missing (little ones, like "of" or "to"), which, while not affecting the meaning of a phrase, did distract from the readability.
I think that this book shows that the author has real talent in coming up with an interesting plot, and I look forward to more from her.